Business Growth Accelerator/Local Business Marketing/9 Step Proximity Marketing Strategies for Service-Based Businesses

9 Step Proximity Marketing Strategies for Service-Based Businesses

Sunday, June 11, 2023

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Social proof is an effective marketing tool, and simply telling neighbors that one of their own has chosen your company for a particular service or product does wonders for your lead generation and sales. We have developed a marketing campaign to help you capture business in the areas that you're already working in. If you are doing work at one home in the neighborhood, why shouldn't you target the neighbors?


Because you will expect a lot from the homeowner (your client) during this marketing campaign, you want to build solid rapport and develop a handy marketing tool that will explain step-by-step how the process works. You must explain to the homeowner how long to expect the job site sign to remain in their yard, and they will understand why and how they need to write a testimonial letter. Additionally, explain your tactics to your clients so they can share your offers with their neighbors.


When your business is doing a good job, why not let the entire neighborhood know about it? Job-site signs can greatly help brand your work, raising awareness of the great quality of the service you're providing and increasing social proof for all who pass by. With one beautifully crafted sign, you can aim to spread the knowledge of your work to all people near a job-site, so that neighbors become aware of the great service that you’re providing. This simple act of advertising can have great social benefits, as customers can pass on good word-of-mouth of your business to their friends and family. Job-site signs are an important part of your marketing and advertising strategy, and can help you to reach a larger customer base.


There must be more than a job site sign to answer every question a potential customer might have when they pass by. True to our belief that education and an accompanying low-risk offer are the primary advertising guidelines to follow, you want to create and design flyers that passers-by can grab from right next to your job site sign.

To get one made quickly and printed relatively inexpensively, Canva has a lot of great templates to edit with your company's brand and information. You can sign up for a free account here.



Postcards are an often overlooked marketing tactic that can be used to gain attention and some extra leads. Sending a series of 3 postcards to a range of neighbors, from 125 to 250 people, can provide an extra boost to your advertising. These postcards should be tailored to each individual, with the homeowner's name added, so that they will be sure to recognize that they have received something tailored to them. This is an excellent way to make sure your message is personalized and that the mailing won't be mistaken as something just for someone else. Additionally, mentioning the particular job you’re engaged in the neighborhood can be an effective way to get people to recognize your business and your work. All of these factors combined can be an effective way to gain exposure and potentially generate more leads.


Sometimes the best incentive to go forward with a decision is money. Your proximity marketing campaign should take advantage of offering your prospect free money. After warming up the neighborhood with radial cards and job site information, send out a check mailer to everyone. A check mailer is just what it sounds like. It's a direct mail piece that looks like a check with a dollar amount made out to the individual receiving the mailing.

People like to get gifts, especially when they don't expect it! Not only does your campaign take advantage of their novelty, but you can use the check mailer to make a personal connection with your prospect. Make it personal! Attach a note in the letter to the recipient, about why your business can help them. It's important to remember to never forget to include a call-to-action on how the prospect can contact you.

The check mailer will be a great way to start a conversation and it will show that you are willing to help them out. Moreover, you are doing something only the most established and savvy marketers can claim they are doing: sending out checks to people in the mail. This can help you stand out from the competition and show that you are serious about making a positive impact in the local community.


Your client is your best advertisement. Let them sing your praises. Using their testimonial, you can take advantage of social proof and benefit from the good things your client has to say. Their neighbors won't be skeptical about your company's services now that one of their neighbors approves of them. Usually, testimonials are buried on websites or in prepositioning kits. This hot-off-the-press testimonial will convert more leads than you'll believe.


Telemarketing is one of the few marketing tactics that allows a live person to interact with your prospects in order to close the deal. While the first six steps of your proximity campaign have done an excellent job of warming up potential customers, you’ll need another effective strategy to turn your leads into sales. Having a script ready is essential in order to guide a conversation and answer any questions your prospects may have. Additionally, it’s important to remember that even if you don’t get the sale on the first call, there are still two more steps in your marketing campaign that can fuel conversion.


Unlike traditional door-to-door canvassing, you only need one person to knock on the neighbor's doors. They will be able to quickly convert leads into appointments because so much of the work has already been done for them. At this stage, these neighbors have received 5-6 mailers and flyers and received a telemarketer's call. A canvasser can quickly and easily field all the questions this campaign has created in the prospect's mind. And if no one's at the door, the next step can take care of that.


If the canvasser can't reach the neighbors at home, your canvasser can leave one last marketing piece - a door hanger.

Your door hanger will let your prospect know you visited them. Leave a time and date that you tried to reach them, along with a call to action to give your office a call to reschedule.

This robust marketing campaign will convert many leads into sales. Neighborhoods will be lining up for your client's services or products. And best of all, this is a laser-targeted marketing program with meager costs.

Contact BKXX enterprises now for help setting up the 9 step proximity marketing campaign! Don't wait another day! Let the experts in direct response marketing facilitate and implement your 9 step campaign today!
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